Granola Bars - Deliciously Healthy

In order to keep up with my new year resolutions and do away with the excess of granola packets, I tried making healthy granola bars last weekend. Although granola makes a great breakfast in terms of time it needs to be prepared. But after consuming it number of times, it has become almost tasteless to me. So, I decided on giving tasteless granola a twist by combining them with dates. Those who like the taste of dates...

Off To A Great Start - Happy 101 Award

Gera of Sweet Foods brightened my January with a Happy 101 Award. Thanks a lot !! I think that was a great start for a new year. Accepting the award I have added the Happy 101 picture. Further as part of the Award Acceptance, I must do the following too. List 10 things that make me happy - 1)  Reading novels 2)  Delicious Desserts 3)  Watching movies 4)  Weekend offs 5)  Showing off my...

Apple Cinnamon Cake - Sinfully Fresh

From chocolate cakes to truffles, Irish to plain vanilla, strawberry, cakes and pastries are a delight for everyone. But at times these cakes become too much of a sin. Still they are hard to resist. And since I am new to baking, every now and then craving for a warm piece of cake arises. Most of the times, I have to run to the nearmost bakery and only after having a piece of cake or pastry that the craving...

My Super Seven - Cookbooks To Look For In 2010

Reading has always been my passion. Since my growing years from Noddy to Nancy Drew then moving on to Jeffery Archer, Dan Brown, Mario Puzo, Chetan Bhagat, Shivani & countless more, I just don't remember how many books I have devoured till now. Still the passion has no bounds. But since when I started my food blog, my interest has moved a little from fiction to cookbooks. For me a cookbook is not just a recipe book...

2009 My Year In Food - A Retrospective

Over the past few days, I have been enjoying dinner parties, entertaining surprise guests and shopping to my heart's content in the year end sales. You can say I was having quite an enjoyable end to the year and a great start of a brand new year. All of a sudden it dawned on me that already the new year has started and I am way behind in retrospection. Still as 2009 was a special year for me, I had to. After all I had...

Happy New Year 2010

Wishing all my foodie friends A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year. I wish all of you more of cooking, more learning of new recipes & more food blogging. So overall a wonderfull food season ahead. For me I wish to cook better each day and my journey of dicovering exotic tastes, flavors & aromas may be something very fulfilling....
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